On April 2, 2007, Clark Hudson successfully defended a plastic surgeon in an alleged malpractice suit. The plaintiff alleged after her eye and neck-lift surgery, she suffered disfigurement due to the healing process to her eye lids. Plaintiff alleged that because of the eyelid surgery, she was unable to completely close her eyes during sleep, and subsequently was forced to sell her business. Defendant contended he discussed in detail the procedures with the plaintiff, including potential risks, complications, and alternatives and that her lid retraction occurred because of abnormal scarring not surgery complications.
Plaintiff was seeking damages for past and future medical expenses and a loss of earnings including “reasonable” future compensation for eight years. After eight days of trial testimony the jury deliberated for 2 hours and returned a verdict for the defense.
Clark R. Hudson is a shareholder at Neil Dymott Hudson and concentrates his practice on the defense of healthcare professionals and general civil litigation. Mr. Hudson maybe reached at (619) 238-1712.