On February 8, 2011, shareholder Clark Hudson received a defense verdict for a Radiology Group and one of its Radiologists. The plaintiff in the case alleged Medical Negligence by failing to properly screen plaintiff for a Contrast CT scan, delay in treatment after she developed an anaphylactic reaction to the contrast dye, and lack of informed consent. Additional claims in the case included Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress and False Imprisonment. These claims were knocked out of the case by way of Motion for Summary Adjudication by associate Benjamin Howard.
The trial of the matter lasted six days. At the end of the trial, plaintiff elected to consolidate both the Medical Negligent Claims and Lack of Informed Consent Claims into a single cause of action. After less than two hours of deliberations, the jury returned a unanimous defense verdict on behalf of both defendants.
Clark R. Hudson is a shareholder at Neil Dymott Hudson and concentrates his practice on the defense of healthcare professionals and general litigation. Mr. Hudson may be reached at (619) 238-1712.
Benjamin J. Howard is an associate in our San Diego office. His areas of practice include civil litigation, professional liability, and medical malpractice matters. For further information, Mr. Howard can be reached at (619) 238-1712.